Thursday 26 September 2013

A Sale of Rather Large Proportions is Now Occurring!

Not only have I selected over a page of items to reduce, but in October you will also be able to skim off a further 10% off everything by using this coupon code at Checkout:


"Why such a large sale?", you may enquire.
It comes down mainly to practicality. I have far too small a stock room for the amount of things I have already created (many of which are waiting to be photographed and listed), as well as the flood of inspiration begging me to make yet more. There will be gloves and tatty bustles, more Aether Nomad and Steampunk Catwalk pieces.

So, do give me a hand up the airship ladder so that my shop can really take off!

Thankyou most kindly,

~The Navigatrix