Introducing the new monthly newsletter,
~ ~ ~ Notes from The Navigatrix ~ ~ ~
When I began my little handmade business, I had absolutely no concept of what it would involve. Over the past three years my learning curve has been steep and crazier than a zeppelin steeplechase. I still have much to learn, but now it is more a case of refining what I know.
I've made some really wonderful friends, both in real life, as Skype apparitions and virtual beings that express themselves through text and, I know you're all real people, really! (So am I. Not like The Professor's 'Sally'...)
Matt and I had a lovely time at Asylum again this year. I was so happy to see three of my dear customers wearing items that they had purchased from me over the previous year. Thankyou, I was flattered, encouraged and motivated by that! As much as I love trading in person (because I get to dress up and chat!) it is not practical for me for various reasons. Ah well.
I hope to bring you more photos of Asylum and a brief account soon.
The main learning curve has been about social networking. I'm loving it but it is very time consuming. Striking a balance between making items and advertising them, cultivating customer relations and physically running the shop, has proven to be quite an artform in itself. Plus, I've added to my duties by creating The Aether Nomads Project , with which I am eagerly and ably aided by Heyk Al Khemeti (aka Kymaris) in France and Catherine Moon in The Netherlands.
So much going on! It was high time, I decided, to start that newsletter I've been thinking about for well over a year. Without further ado, I present to you: Notes from The Navigatrix!
If you'd like to receive it regularly, please SIGN UP HERE, Thankyou!
Do let me know what you think!
Wishing you well,