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Thursday, 8 November 2012

Treasury Challenge

Etsy is more than just a shopping destination, it is also a community. Likeminded artists, vintage collectors and enthusiasts of many different genres gather in teams for mutual promotion, advice, support, inspiration and fun! I myself am a member of several teams but there is one in particular that I'm fond of. Probably because, of the five woman leadership team, I am one!

Recently, one of the leaders came up with a brilliant idea: to make treasuries based on one team member's shop, using items from 16 different Etsy shops. The chosen team member's shop is picked at random each time and placed in the top left hand corner. Here's my contribution:

To visit the actual Treasury where you can explore each of these items and shops in depth and Favourite ♡ them, visit Guardian of Dreams. From there, you can also explore other treasuries that I have curated. 

If you would like to visit our team, pop by In Here Life Is Beautiful and see what we're currently talking about.

In other news, I've recently begun using Instagram and having fun, both with pictures related to The Navigatrix and others. My username there is 'thenavigatrix'. Genuine followers are more than welcome; likewise, if you're on there, show me your pics! I follow those that really interest me.

Remember, you can also look up 'thenavigatrix' on Facebook, Pinterest and Wanelo. This being the first Winter Holiday season that my shop has been around, I'm doing as much as I can to promote it and I sincerely appreciate any and all help in this regard!

Remember, FREE SHIPPING until 22nd November!

Be well,

1 comment:

  1. Howdy from an Etsy team member! Come join me in more Steampunk-ish-ness at!


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