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Saturday, 9 February 2013


The Navigatrix Is One!

I opened my little Etsy shop on the 14th of February last year. To celebrate The Navigatrix's first anniversary, I'm having a giveaway! a Rafflecopter giveaway
This is the first time I've tried Rafflecopter, so do bear with me!

The Prize is this:

So, give it a go, tell your friends and let me know what you think.

Good luck!


  1. It seems that the giveaway hasn´t started yet, at least the rafflecopter thinks so. But I would love to enter! I´ll be back later to have a look!

  2. The Giveaway is now officially open!

  3. Thanks to everyone for your entries! The winner has been sent an email.

    I'm Celebrating The Navigatrix's first Birthday today with cake, chocolates and a new book (Gail Carriger's latest, Etiquette and Espionage)!

    There's a special Coupon Code today only: for 20% off anything in the shop, type HAPPY1STNAVIGATRIX at checkout.


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